Curricula for Ages 10-14
TOP – Teen Outreach Program
This is a positive youth development program designed to build teens’ educational success, life and leadership skills, and healthy behaviors and relationships. As a result, teens are better able to navigate challenges during teenage years—a time when decisions matter.
- Teens build and hone social and emotional skills like managing emotions, problem-solving, decision-making and empathy, that are proven to help them be successful during the teenage years, and later in life.
- Teens improve academic performance and lower risky behaviors like truancy and suspension that lead to dropout.
The curriculum consists of 12 hours of content divided into twelve 60-minute modules to small groups of six to 12 participants, ages 12-19.
Curricula for Ages 14-19
Building Skills to Prevent Pregnancy, HIV AND STDS, RTR
Emphasizes refusal skills, delay tactics, role-playing, and alternative actions students can use to abstain or use protection. After sixteen 45-minute classes, participants will be able to see the consequences of becoming a parent at a young age; know the benefits of abstaining from sex; have knowledge of contraception and how to properly use it; know the dangers of HIV and STDs and how to avoid becoming infected; and use communication skills to avoid unprotected sex.
MARS — Motivating Adolescents to Reduce Sexual Risk
A single-session, group-based intervention designed to reduce sexual risk behaviors among high-risk adolescents. This three-hour program is delivered in small groups of youth ages 15-19 and seeks to increase condom use and reduce substance-use-related risk behaviors.
Curricula for Parents
Families Talking Together
A brief individual or small group parent-based intervention to prevent/reduce adolescent sexual risk behaviors includes face-to-face or virtual parent sessions with facilitators, focused on:
- parent-adolescent communication
- monitoring and supervision
- relationship-building activities
After a two-hour class, parents will gain the skills to talk to their children about sexual decision-making, with the intent of delaying too-early sexual activity and reducing the frequency of adolescent sexual intercourse. A follow-up class is held to check on progress, answer questions, and provide additional training and resources.
Free 1:1 class for parents & caregivers of youth between 10-17 years old.