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705 East 41st Street, Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57105

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Community Connection

Better Together Neighbor

Better Together Neighbor Application

Contact Information

Gender (Identifies as)
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Prefer call in
Do you live alone?
Do you smoke?
Are there any smokers in your home?
Do you have a pet?
Have you ever been convicted of a drug charge?
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?
Have you ever been convicted of abuse, neglect, or assault?
How is your hearing?
How is your vision?
How is your mobility?
Preferences for Match

Referral Information

How did you hear about LSS Better Together? Check as many as apply and describe below

Matching Information

I am available the following days/times:

I would like to meet:
I am interested in participating in monthly events organized by LSS?

Thank you!

  • Joshua D.
    Joshua D.

    This place is amazing with very helpful staff!!!

Lutheran Social Services of South Dakota
705 East 41st Street, Suite 200
Sioux Falls, SD 57105